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Más conocimientos, consejos y trucos sobre el tema de la meta búsqueda en los siguientes vídeos de tecnología hotelera

PPC-Pay Per Click- Posibilidades y desafíos de la publicidad mediante Pago Por Clic para los hoteles.
Con las nuevas funciones de los resultados de búsqueda de Google la publicidad basada en el coste por clics resulta cada vez más relevante, pero ¿qué opciones tienen los hoteles que emplean este tipo de publicidad?
19 mar 2019

Trivago can be a very useful platform for hotels, offering relevant traffic and allowing you to grow your customer base and increase bookings if used correctly. This video is a collaboration with Trivago, and we’re talking with Andrew Holden from their Technical Partnerships team.
10 may 2021

Google has been growing its influence in the travel sector for more than a decade and has become a powerful tool for hotels to reach more customers. There are lots of ways for hoteliers to use Google to their advantage and, in this video, we shall be talking about how Hotel Ads work.
10 mar 2021

There have been many changes in hotel distribution in recent years. New pricing models for online sales and the rapid rise of Google as a meta platform are just some of them.
We take a look at how it all began and highlight how you, as a smart hotelier, can use these developments to your advantage.
10 ago 2021